Exam DATES 2024 (Written Exam) in Management
First stream: June 28
Main stream: July 23rd
Before the entrance Exam consultation will be held (at 15.00 Moscow time)
Master Program
The Master’s Program in Public and Corporate Management of Human Capital Development is a new outstanding program, which is aimed at giving students knowledge and practical skills in the area of developing all components of human capital as the main driving force of the innovative and the knowledge economy. The program provides wide opportunities for personal and professional self-realization. The Master’s Program prepares a new generation of managers, civil servants, multidisciplinary consultants who are ready to constantly develop their soft skills and function successfully both in corporate, public or nonprofit sectors. The Program offers a unique opportunity to gain a deep understanding of modern approaches to all areas of management, including financial management and human resources management.
MASTER’S IN: Management
DURATION: 2 years
WORKLOAD: 120 credits
TUITION FEE 2023/2024: 471,700 rubles per academic year for foreigners (2 semesters).
✔ The program is based on a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach which allows to prepare effective managers for both the public administration system and the business sector as well as in nonprofit sector management
✔ The program develops advanced skills in critical analysis, communication, and innovation
✔ Students have the opportunity to better adapt to modern challenges in professional and personal life due to trainings aimed at developing personal qualities and soft skills
✔ Students get a unique opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to develop the full potential of human capital (Individual human capital, Human capital of the firm, National human capital)
✔ The program provides the opportunity to take a Russian language class for foreigners

Graduates of the program become decision-makers in various divisions within the public administration system, in a business world and non-profit sector. They will be in high demand with employers, as well as being well-prepared in corporate management, public and municipal administration, human resource management.
Academic courses:
- Managerial Economics
- Research Methods in Management
- Modern Technologies and Methods of Decision-making
- Organizational Behavior
- Strategic Management
Thematic Courses:
- Macroeconomic Policy
- HR Policy and HR Audit
- Strategic Marketing
- Mathematical Modeling in Management
- Social Management
- Human Capital as a Resource for Public and Corporate Development
- Social Innovation and Management of Social Enterprises
- Corporate Finance
- Theory and Mechanisms of Modern Public Administration
- Performance Evaluation and Compensation Management
- Leadership
- Rational Choice Theory
- Project Management
- Legal Regulation of Employment
- Management Consulting
- Management of Education Development
- Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
- Strategic Public Relations
- GR
- Talent Management
- Corporate Culture Management
- Trainings for the Development of Managerial Competencies …
- Rights and Freedoms of the Individual
- Non-Profit Organization Management
- Environmental Policy and Natural Resources Management
- Modern Trends in Management in the Field of Interethnic and Interfaith Relations
- Management of the Creative Capital of Russian Cities
Master’s Thesis
- Applicants should have a Bachelor Degree in any subject area.
- Applicants are required to pass an entry written exam in Management
- Exam dates 2022:
First stream: June 28th. (The first stream of entrance examinations is carried out, if necessary, when forming groups)
Mainstream: July 23rd.
Exam Instruction
Exam program 2022 is available here.
Sample List of Questions
Head of Program
Prof. Alexander Livshin
Deputy. Dean for International Relations, Professor of the Department of History of State and Municipal Administration
E-mail: Livshin@spa.msu.ru
Program Manager
Andryushina Eugeniya
Associate Professor of the Political Analysis Department
E-mail: Andryushina@spa.msu.ru
International Affairs Office
Room Г-823. Phone: +7 (495) 939-15-13
E-mail: International@spa.msu.ru for all issues relating to admission process
E-mail: golubkovatk@spa.msu.ru for all issues relating to visa obtaining process